Elizabeth Karmel

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Wildgrain Turns Every Kitchen into an Artisanal Bakery

Remember during the pandemic when you grew a sourdough starter and fed it every day like a baby, and made bread a few times a week?! Yep, I’m not ever doing that again. But I do love a great loaf of bread! Wildgrain Bread Box is as good or better than homemade. I tried out Wildgrain and it is amazing! (disclosure: affiliate link). If you use my code, Whats4Dinner when you sign up, you will get $10.00 off your first box.

Wildgrain is an artisanal bread and pasta subscription that comes par-baked and frozen. When you bake it, you have the most delicious fresh bread as if you were a world-renowned baker, but you baked it in 25 minutes! 

If you are like me, you’ll buy it for yourself and give it as gifts.

It was the Slow-Fermented 3-Seed Loaf that got me to sign up for a subscription. Plus you get free croissants for life with every order. And, they are really good croissants—like the best croissants you get in France, but hot from your oven.

Each month the assortment changes and in addition to the 3-Seed loaf, my other favorites are the Sourdough, the Sourdough Harvest Loaf, the Walnut Sourdough and the Olive-oil Ciabatta—actually, I have loved all the ones that I’ve tried so far.

Besides tasting great, it’s good for you too. All the bread is fermented and the fermentation has already broken down most of the gluten so it’s easier to digest for those with gluten sensitivities, and it’s full of probiotics and lactic acid that help your body absorb more nutrients. You can read their story here.

You can choose between an all bakery box or a mixed bread and pasta box for $89.00. You get to decide the frequency of your box, and you can skip or cancel any time after your first order. People learn about Wildgrain mostly through word-of-mouth and social media (which is how I found it). If you use my code, Whats4Dinner when you sign up, you will get $10.00 off your first box.